Ability to hide bottom frame by default

cbezuidenhout wrote on Thursday, June 21, 2012:

Adds Option to hide bottom frame by default as a global setting or a user specific setting

code :

  - Craig
    Tajemo Enterprises

bo2999 wrote on Thursday, June 21, 2012:

This is another good option.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, June 22, 2012:

placed review on github.

avantsys wrote on Wednesday, June 27, 2012:

The way proposed here by Craig has the disadvantage that it merely hides the bottom frame, without deactivating it. So, when you ask the application to show you the patient’s encounter history, you just won’t see it, as it will be assigned to the (hidden) bottom frame. We’ve found a much quicker way to hide the bottom frame by default. Here it is:

Go to the file /interface/main/left_nav.php
And modify the code as follows:

870 $(document).ready(function(){
871  $(‘input’).attr(‘checked’, false);
872  toggleFrame(2);

Line 870 remains as is, I just put it in so that you guys will see where you should insert the code to do the trick.

Best regards,

AvantSys Informatics

yehster wrote on Wednesday, June 27, 2012:

Kostantinos’ method is much cleaner than Craig’s as it uses the existing logic for toggling visibility, and it also means only one file has to be aware of the new $GLOBALS (left_nav.php) instead of two (main_screen.php).

cbezuidenhout wrote on Wednesday, June 27, 2012:

I tried using the toggleFrame(2) function, it gave no results.

I will try as per suggestion though, and if it works, I will implement with the $GLOBALS and upload to GIT.

  - Craig
    Tajemo Enterprises