6.0.0 log-on issues

Not certain if this is the correct place for this or not, but I’ve been playing around with the 6.0.0-dev version with an eye toward updating some of my customizations so they’ll be ready to go when the new version deploys. I’ve noted two issues.

  1. sql_upgrade.php runs and completes, but it appears to stop two or three times during the process, each time leaving the following message “Stopping status checks. Csrf Error. No harm to upgrade and will continue. Authentication Error”. All visible progress then appears to stop however the upgrade must continue as if I leave the machine untouched eventually I am given the usual “Database and Access Control upgrade finished.” message.
  2. After completing the process I cannot log on with my any of my usual usernames or passwords.

Any ideas? Or is this merely an issue with the dev version that will be rectified with the final version?

hi @Mouse55, thanks for the post, prob best to report in Issues but this works fine.

Are you then able to login after you reset the password through a database update command ala?

UPDATE users_secure SET `password` = '$2a$05$MKtnxYsfFPlb2mOW7Qzq2Oz61S26s5E80Yd60lKdX4Wy3PBdEufNu' WHERE `username` = 'admin'

Status report:
Resetting the password didn’t work for me, although admittedly I didn’t try very hard. It turns out that the password I used for 5.0.2 was too short and was being summarily rejected by 6.0.0. The easiest solution was simply to changed to a conforming (longer, maybe other requirements as well) password prior to upgrading the database. It also worked to simply create a new administrative user with a conforming password.

I don’t intend to pursue the other problem any further as the upgrade appears to work as expected otherwise.

I’d imagine that it would be worth putting a reminder to ensure that users’ passwords are conforming in the upgrade instructions.

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