We installed 4.2.0 on Ubuntu server 14.04 vm for testing. Upgraded openemr 4.1.0 db to 4.2.0. Login with multiple roles and look up of patients work fine. For existing records, I can also create new encounters, visits, tobacco records. But ‘Create patient’ does not work. On entering basic demography details including name, dob, gender, language, race, ethnicity, interpreter, date of registration(custom field) and clicking ‘Save’, there are no errors. Required fields are filled. Not sure what is missing. Appreciate any help on this one.
Yes, I did upgrade the db after pointing to the emr backup db. The first run of upgrade.sql had errors due to difference in collation. Fixed that and ran sql upgrade again and applied patch.sql. The version shown on admin.php is 4.2.0 and action is set to login.
Create patient and edit patient demography do not go through. When I leave some required fields blank, there is no validation error message either. The validation message shows up in 4.1.0. I have also tried upgrading 4.1.0 to 4.1.2-7 which works fine including create/edit demog for new and existing patients.
While editing demog for an existing patient, there are validation error labels against Referring provider, Provider and Pharmacy fields on Choices and Patient Preferences tab. See pic. These fields are optional in demog layout. This does not happen on 4.1.2-7 upgrade.
On 4.2.0, how do I turn the validation error message box on? Is there any other setting for Referring provider, Provider and Pharmacy fields besides the demog layout page under Administration?