4.1.1 dev prescription error

cbezuidenhout wrote on Saturday, June 16, 2012:

Is anyone else getting this when adding a new prescription in 4.1.1 dev

“You request could not be processed, an error occured with the number of arguments passed to the function. Please try again with corrected arguments.”

Never got this before, maybe just my test system, not sure.

It started since I did upgrade from 4.1.0(11)

  - Craig
    Tajemo Enterprises

yehster wrote on Saturday, June 16, 2012:

You can always test with the demo servers and determine if it’s a universal problem or just your own system.

cbezuidenhout wrote on Monday, June 18, 2012:

tested on demo sever, seems to just be my test installation

  - Craig
    Tajemo Enterprises