aethelwulffe wrote on Friday, January 07, 2011:
3.2 to 4.0 upgrade. Original database started from 2.8. Lots of stuff added to patient_data to handle multiple contact persons for foster kids.
Copied entier xampp windows directory onto the test server. Started the services, then logged onto copy of original. Everything was great. Shut down services. Next, I changed the new sqlconfig.php to reflect the proper password (the “sourceforge” one is what I had) and changed the flag at the end of the file to “1”. Having no further instructions, I also copied the old documents edi and era directories into the new locations in the openemr directory I was building. I removed the active openemr directory from under HTdocs and replaced it with the configured 4.0 version. Restarted services, logged onto sql_update, and ran conversion for 3.2. Got the following errors:
OpenEMR Database Upgrade
Processing 3_2_0-to-4_0_0_upgrade.sql ...
ALTER TABLE log ADD patient_id bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE log ADD success tinyint(1) DEFAULT 1
ALTER TABLE log ADD checksum longtext DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE log ADD crt_user varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'armenian', 'Armenian', 10, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'chinese', 'Chinese', 20, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'danish', 'Danish', 30, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'deaf', 'Deaf', 40, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'farsi', 'Farsi', 60, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'french', 'French', 70, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'german', 'German', 80, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'greek', 'Greek', 90, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'hmong', 'Hmong', 100, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'italian', 'Italian', 110, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'japanese', 'Japanese', 120, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'korean', 'Korean', 130, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'laotian', 'Laotian', 140, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'mien', 'Mien', 150, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'norwegian', 'Norwegian', 160, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'othrs', 'Others', 170, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'portuguese', 'Portuguese', 180, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'punjabi', 'Punjabi', 190, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'russian', 'Russian', 200, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'tagalog', 'Tagalog', 220, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'turkish', 'Turkish', 230, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'vietnamese', 'Vietnamese', 240, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'yiddish', 'Yiddish', 250, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('language', 'zulu', 'Zulu', 260, 0)
update list_options set seq = 50 where list_id = 'language' and option_id = 'English'
update list_options set seq = 210 where list_id = 'language' and option_id = 'Spanish'
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'aleut', 'ALEUT', 10, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'amer_indian', 'American Indian', 20, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'cambodian', 'Cambodian', 50, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'cs_american', 'Central/South American', 70, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'chinese', 'Chinese', 80, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'cuban', 'Cuban', 90, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'eskimo', 'Eskimo', 100, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'filipino', 'Filipino', 110, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'guamanian', 'Guamanian', 120, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'hawaiian', 'Hawaiian', 130, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'othr_us', 'Hispanic - Other (Born in US)', 150, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'othr_non_us', 'Hispanic - Other (Born outside US)', 160, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'hmong', 'Hmong', 170, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'indian', 'Indian', 180, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'japanese', 'Japanese', 190, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'korean', 'Korean', 200, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'laotian', 'Laotian', 210, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'mexican', 'Mexican/MexAmer/Chicano', 220, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'mlt-race', 'Multiracial', 230, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'othr', 'Other', 240, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'othr_spec', 'Other - Specified', 250, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'pac_island', 'Pacific Islander', 260, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'puerto_rican', 'Puerto Rican', 270, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'refused', 'Refused To State', 280, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'samoan', 'Samoan', 290, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'spec', 'Specified', 300, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'thai', 'Thai', 310, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'unknown', 'Unknown', 320, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'unspec', 'Unspecified', 330, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'vietnamese', 'Vietnamese', 340, 0)
Skipping section #IfNotRow2Dx2 list_options list_id ethrace option_id white title White
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('ethrace', 'withheld', 'Withheld', 360, 0)
update list_options set seq = 60 where list_id = 'ethrace' and option_id = 'Caucasian'
update list_options set seq = 30 where list_id = 'ethrace' and option_id = 'Asian'
update list_options set seq = 40 where list_id = 'ethrace' and option_id = 'Black'
update list_options set seq = 140 where list_id = 'ethrace' and option_id = 'Hispanic'
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('lists', 'eligibility', 'Eligibility', 47, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('eligibility', 'eligible', 'Eligible', 10, 0)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('eligibility', 'ineligible', 'Ineligible', 20, 0)
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'vfc', '5Stats', 'VFC', 12, 1, 1, 20, 0, 'eligibility', 1, 1, '', '', 'Eligibility status for Vaccine for Children supplied vaccine')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'mothersname', '2Contact', 'Mother''s Name', 6, 2, 1, 20, 63, '', 1, 1, '', '', '')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'guardiansname', '2Contact', 'Guardian''s Name', 7, 2, 1, 20, 63, '', 1, 1, '', '', '')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'allow_imm_reg_use', '3Choices', 'Allow Immunization Registry Use', 9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'yesno', 1, 1, '', '', '')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'allow_imm_info_share', '3Choices', 'Allow Immunization Info Sharing', 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'yesno', 1, 1, '', '', '')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'allow_health_info_ex', '3Choices', 'Allow Health Information Exchange', 11, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'yesno', 1, 1, '', '', '')
ALTER TABlE patient_data ADD vfc varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD mothersname varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD guardiansname varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_imm_reg_use varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_imm_info_share varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_health_info_ex varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
ERROR: query failed: ALTER TABlE patient_data ADD vfc varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD mothersname varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD guardiansname varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_imm_reg_use varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_imm_info_share varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD allow_health_info_ex varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
Error: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
Just for funsies, I went ahead and ran acl_upgrade (which worked). Logged on (all users were nicely configured) and looked at the mess of sql error messages all over the interface. Logged back out, and ran the install setup script for fun, just so I could see 4.0 in all it’s glory. That worked, but was essentially a clean install of 4.0 with no users or clients.
I’m a-hoping to get some advice on fixing my DB to bypass these errors. I REALLY need to upgrade for a multitude of reasons.