I am testing 2.9.0 on my test box and noticed that when I try to select a state for a new patient, the only states in the drop down box are ‘unassigned’ and ‘California.’ Is there a setting I need to toggle or do I need to populate the database manually.
thank you for all the great improvements within OpenEMR 2.9.0.
I am a Windows victim, but I do not have time to switch toward Ubuntu or so. So I am definitely handicapped.
I saw your respons, and was looking under directories in OpenEMR. But Could not find Admin.
Login to OpenEMR and go to ADMIN. There you can find the DATABASE in the DATABSE find LIST and SQL or BROWSE or INPUT…etc.
I would like to give some help on updating the Windows version of OpenEMR but do not know how or where to start.
I work under XAMPP and had quite some headaches getting OpenEMR and/or OpenEPR to work.
Living on Curacao Neth. Antilles and working as a Genreral Practitioner I am caught just in between the Dutch system and the USA health care. Both have so many good thing, but somtimes they do not seem to work as a mixed entity.
Can you give some advise as how to implement Pats of EPR in OpenEMR? DBC’s in one I DO NOT WANT.
Prescriptions I defenitely need the Dutch way…
Please advise me wher to post the differend enteties?
Admin is not a directory, I was talking about the menus in OpenEMR. Perhaps you are not seeing it because you have not run the acl_upgrade.php script? Or perhaps you are not using phpGACL?
The Dutch system has been split off into a separate sub-project. I’ll let one of its developers comment on that.
I think this might be a GACL issue on my test box. Here is what I did.
1.) On my test box, I re-installed 2.8.3 from scratch and then imported my production data via phpMyAdmin.
2.) I upgraded to 2.9.0. and imported the 2_8_3_to_2_9_0_upgrade.sql via phpMyAdmin.
3.) One thing that is not set up on my test box is GACL. I have GACL set up for 2.8.3 on my production box.
4.) When I log in as "Admin" on my test box there is no "Admin" tab available. Only "authorized" users have the "Admin" tab available. Under "Admin" there is no option for "Lists". Only these menu items below.
Users & Groups Forms Practice Calendar Database Notification Language Logs Back
5.) Is this a result of not having GACL installed on my test box when in fact I do have it installed on my production box?
Yes. A change is needed for library/acl.inc in order to support the admin user properly without phpGACL.
Starting at line 83 you will see these comments:
// If no phpgacl, then apply the old static rules whereby “authorized”
// users (providers) can do anything, and other users can do most things.
// If you want custom access control but don’t want to mess with phpGACL,
// then you could customize the code below instead.
Thanks Rod. I am able to populate the "state" list box now.
Is it necessary to test with GACL installed on my test box? The only reason why I did not was to save a step in testing on my test box. I have re-installed 2.8.3 a half dozen times trying out different scenarios.
FYI, in my install in Windows XP, I noticed that your fix already existed. But I was still unable to see the “Lists” to edit. So I looked at the next line in the library/acl.inc file and notices that ‘super’ returns 0 (a zero). When I changed that to ‘write’ the lists became available and I could add states (an edit other lists as well).
Note: You must close and reopen OpenEMR after the change to become effective.