2.8.2-dev Javascript errors

duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Error messages I get from the Firefox javascript console wile using OpenEMR:

Clicked >> next to date: Error: modaldialog.focus is not a function. file /library/topdialog.js

Clicked the go button next to date and received same error message.

Switched to Reports page and then Home page and received the same error message

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Seems OK here.  Anyone else seeing this?


duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Log in as DrWhite
Switch view to all users
Switch back to view white only
Click >> next to date
Firefox javascript console:
Error: modaldialog.focus is not a function
Source file: http://www.oemr.org/demo/openemr/library/topdialog.js line 16

duanemorrow wrote on Sunday, September 24, 2006:

If I change the code in topdialog.js and add top to all the modial variables this error goes away. For example if I change line 16 in topdialog.js
from: modialdialog.focus()
to: top.modialdialog.focus()

This javascript error goes away. Does that seem right?

duanemorrow wrote on Sunday, September 24, 2006:

Never mind…didn’t help…obviously its too late at night.

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, September 27, 2006:

The demo is not running the dev version by-the-way.  I haven’t had time to upgrade.

Sam Bowen